Thursday, May 2, 2013

It all started with a blizzard and fish tacos...

WHAT AN INSANE WEEK! We picked up 6 new investigators!

Last Pday was lame. All our citas fell through but it made room forrrrr MIRACLES! I love miracles. We see them everday. :)
We went to visit some PI's (potential investigators- people we've contacted that wanted to learn more) we knocked on S's door, a man answered [her bro in law], looked at us like we were filth and said "No thanks." Hma S was like ummm we're looking for S. So she let us in! She's a young mom, her husband said he went to our church when he was 13. S is amazing she seems ready to accept the gospel so we're really excited to pick her up as a new investigator.
We met with C on Wednesday and she was having doubts about her baptism. And she doesn't think going to church is important. She has so much faith but she just wont act on it. She refused to pray to Heavenly Father she said I want to pray to Padre Jehovah or something. It was soooooo hard. We invited her to pray again that night and ask God if she should be baptized, if this church is true. She said she would. We met with her yesterday and she's back! She got her answer! We just have to get her to come to church! We rescheduled her baptism for June 8.
We picked up M as an investigator, taught her some of the Restoration. She thinks too much and went into way deep doctrine so our lesson went off track. But it happens haha
We went on exchanges the other day because my trainer is one of the first "Sister Training Leaders" so I went to a different area in my zone. We had a sweet lesson with their investigator, A. He's amazing! He was like "everytime you all come I feel the spirit, I feel goosebumps all over my arms, I know you are called of God." :)
We were walking around contacting and had to use the restroom so we went to the mexican store annnnnd had to pay 25 cents to pee. ':( haha
We got to do mormon helping hands on Saturday! We cleaned up a huge park it was so much fun! I cut down bamboo with a machete like a beast! The Mexican men from our ward were laughing at us white girls trying to use machetes, but they taught us! They're pros, you know. 
We were looking for an old investigator to try to reteach but instead we found a mom and her 3 yr old daughter, she let us in and we taught her about the BOM. Not the best lesson but it was okay.
We got a phone call from an old investigator that they couldn't find for months. He asked us to come teach us but he works too much so he doesn't have the time. He needs to make time for us! :/ but hey, still an answer to our fast.
We had a GREAT lesson with our little 9 yr old A whos getting baptized on Saturday. He has a learning disability so we draw pics for all his lessons but he still has trouble understanding sometimes. Well on Sunday he was on it! We taught Follow the Prophet and Keep the Sabbath Day Holy. I asked him what he thought my pictures meant, thinking he's say something way off. Nope. He said everything. I was like well, you're too smart I don't need to teach you! Haha it was so good! Then he told us "You know how I know it? I prayed and asked God to help me understand what the Hermanas teach me." WOW! What a great kid! He's so awesome and has so much faith!
Funny story: best part of the week! Not really, but it was great!
We went tracting in a complex we felt like would be successful. We pulled up and saw like four boys skateboarding in the basketball court. We were praying in the car when we heard a ton of cursing and craziness. We got out of the car and the boys asked us if we were okay. We said yeah, what happened we heard something going on. They told us some random drunk guy came by throwing beer bottles at them and he reached in his pants so they thought he had a gun and they all ran. Scary! We made sure they were okay and talked to them a little more and then gave them some pass alone cards. We were just messing with them and told them "Okay, we're gonna go knock some doors, if we knock on your door that means you need to let us in and you need to listen to our message because it'll help you." They were like yeah, yeah, whatever lol
Welp... WE FOUND EM! hahahahaha
We were knocking around and then this one door was open and the lady let us in her name is A. We were just talking with his getting to know her and asked if she has any kids. She said yeah two boys theyre out skateboarding right now. We were like OMG ARE THEIR NAMES E AND M?! She said yes and we all just died laughing. We told her what happened and the boys came and were like "Wow you did find it" haha so great. We taught A some of the Restoration cuz the boys left. But they came back right before we left. So we taught them all about the BOM. I gave E he's 16, a BOM and he pinky promised he'd read it. haha We've seeing them again next Sunday. So that's 3 more new investigators!
Ive had a lot of Hispanics compliment my prayers they said I say beautiful prayers in Spanish :)

Well that's all for now.

Love and miss you all!!!!!!!

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