Tuesday, May 28, 2013

3 months down..

Hola bonita familia y amigos!
Well this week has definitely been filled with its ups and downs... downs low enough that my companion and I laid in the middle of the street being dramatic yelling "WHY?!" because people are so crazy. bahahaha pictures to come, don't you fret!
Transfers were last week, we now have a Columbian DL so he's learning English from us and we're learning Spanish from him. Super great!
Sad news... A and E the amazing family we contacted that came to church, dropped us. Dropped us like a bag of rocks! All of a sudden they don't have any time.. broke my heart. But I know they're ready so one day they will be baptized. We planted a seed, they can't deny it! The same day we got dropped my our Focus 15 family. Super inactive family we were supposed to focus on but they never let us in the door. We still stopped by to share a scripture but H called and said we weren't alllowed to come over anymore... so we shall continue stalking them through phone calls ;) Another one of our Focus 15 families we just found out the dad left them and they are getting a divorce. :(
We had another lesson with R who was a referral from an Elder. We taught him the Restoration using cups and my Spanish was on fire! I felt so good! I could feel the spirit telling me what words to say and what questions to ask. I shared the First Vision and Hermana Schwegler said she felt the spirit so strong she almost cried. It was our best lesson together. c was there and they were all proud of me and my Spanish. :)
I overheard Hermana Schwegler talking to one of her old comps telling her about training me and she said "She came out knowing hardly anything, now she speaks Spanish like a baller!" hahahaha
Also at District meeting we were practicing application questions, and inviting people to be baptized after the First Vision. One of the APs said his Spanish wasn't as good when he was as young as I am in the mission. Yay :) Heavenly Father is blessing me so much in learning this language.
Yesterday we put our practice to the test - the real deal. We went to teach our investigator, A, the resto and planned to invite her after the first vision like we practiced. We taught point to point, I recited the first vision, Hna explained how Joseph Smith restored the same church to the earth that Christ had established along with the Priesthood in order to do baptisms, then I extended the baptismal invite and she said Yes, prepare me for baptism. WAHOO! She said shes been baptized twice, once as a baby in the Catholic church and once when she was 10 because all he cousins were doing it. She said none of them meant anything because she didn't understand but she is preparing to be baptized on June 22!
Random* So awhile back I don't remember if I wrote about it but I was teaching O and E, the 2 yr old said something in Spanish I didn't understand and L said it's because she's white be quiet! Soo I thought he was making fun or my Spanish. Nope, come to find out he said I have no eyebrows hahahahaha
My trainer is a Sister Training Leader so she has to go on exchanges with 6 sisters this transfer. I'm the only sister with a STL so i get to go on 6 exchanges too! I'm going to learn so much, I'm stoked! Annnnnnd I have permission to drive now! So I get to drive on at least one exchange. Movin on up... ;)
The church is true! The field is white!

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