Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Last week of the first transfer!

The definition of a "peculiar people" is turning 21 years old and instead of partying and drinking - I'm preaching about Jesus and in bed by 10:30pm. ;)
Tuesday night a member, J, took us and our Zone Leaders out for dinner to Red Robin. J's bday was monday and mine was wednesday so my Zone Leader told the waitress and we both got free icecream and a birthday song haha we had so much fun!
On my birthday I woke up, went to the bathroom to find HAPPY BIRTHDAY written on the mirror with dry erase markers haha my trainer is crazy! Elders C and F baked me cookies! 
We went to check on one of our investigators (19) we hadn't heard from in awhile whos dad we found out has cancer. It's amazing how God puts people in our path at just the right moments. No one was home but we always knock 3 times. By the time we were about to leave a man rides up on a bicycle, he said you must be looking for my brother. We told him we were and he seemed really distracted. He looked in the window and just started crying. Grown man crying. He told us B was in the hospital and going fast. Hes losing his memory and cant remember anyone. We gave him a little comfort scripture and gave him a BOM told him it will give him peace. He said "I usually throw religious stuff away, but I'm gonna keep this" and rode away crying. WOW. Broke our heart but it's great we could give him something that would offer him some peace. 
We had our first Zone Conference this week, so much to learn! We had some practices on teaching to desires. I hate teaching in Spanish with a million people in a room so it was really hard for me. I had a mini anxiety freak out but I got through it haha One of the AP (Assisstant to President) made an example out of me telling the Zone he liked that Im okay with silence because some missionaries just talk to talk and I sit there and think to make a question really meaningful to the investigator. Little do they know, I just don't know Spanish and have to think of what to say hahahaha
I said the prayer in Spanish and had tons of Elders tell me they were impressed how awesome it was. I guess I'm a pretty good Spanish pray-er :p 
We had a lesson with our amazing family, A, E, M, and J. Only A was there and she didnt read so we read with her and then her husband J came home with a big box of beer haha we invited him to sit with us but he said no. BUT he continued listening and participating from the kitchen. He's interested he just doesn't wanna admit it haha but they opened up a lot to us. They told us they had a son who was killed in High School from gang violence. A said E asked her when they would tell us and she told him with time. They told us how hard it was for them and we gave a brief description of the Plan. Good thing next lesson will be Plan of Salvation :D I love this family so much they have SO much potential!
On Friday la familia R threw me a birthday party. They're so sweet! They decorated the house and walked all the way to the store just to buy me a cake and stuff. We got to the door and they opened it with a cake with 21 candles lit, singing a mexican happy birthday song. Then we had dinner and cake. Their tradition is to bite the cake and then they smash your face in it. So yep that happened haha it was so much fun! We had a blast!
Sunday was miracle day! We had 4 investigators at church! We called A and asked if her and her family were coming, E said he would so they would just drop him off. But when they got there, to our surprise, E AND A came for the first time. :) AND C! Who has been investigating for about 2.5 months, has had a couple baptismal dates, but hasnt come to church because she works. We prayed about it and felt impressed to invite her to come to just the first hour. AND SHE DID! YAYYYYYY!!!! :DD
On Sunday we had a very interesting contact with a drunk Mexican man. He shook our hands like 20 times, then fist bumped, then shook our hands again, then forced us into a hug, then popped our fingers? We gave him a BOM but yeah it was just all weird. He was all "God is love, thats why we're here, amamos... we love..." Drunk. Mexican. Hippie. Man. It was the funniest thing ever. My trainer and I got in the car and just sat there like what in the world just happened? hahahaha
We've had quite a few people we've contacted say they respect us for what we do, one man even said at his church when they work with the youth they use us as an example of good young people. :p
Well that's about all the crazy adventures I can think of this week. It's been supppperrrr hot here. We had a snocone for dinner last night haha Oh and one of our contacts bought us ice cream! 
I love every day of my mission. It's amazing!
Have a good week all! 

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