Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 4!

Hola familia y amigos!
I am now the Senior Companion in the MTC which really doesn't mean anything haha Hermana McBride and I were called on Sunday to be the Online Portal Trainers, we're the first sisters to have this position! We got our first batch of newbies on Wednesday and trained them yesterday :) Elder Gainer found me in the cafeteria on Wednesday when he arrived! Good to see him! I got Sammy's Easter card best ever. Bunny riding a unicorn made my day. IT'S SNOWING!!!! I'll send pics next Pday. I wrote David but don't know if he got it or not. Hermana McBride has been working on her testimony and we are reading the BOM together she already passed me!! Her testimony is getting stronger every day and she has discovered a love for reading the scriptures. Please keep her in your prayers as she has been having knee trouble and is worried she may be sent home for surgery.
I'M GOING TO BE ON CONFERENCE. Well kinda... The lady that does the segment in between conference sessions on Saturday had someone compose Ten Thousand Legions Marching specifically for the MTC choir and they had it recorded and will play it in between sessions on Saturday SO LOOK FOR ME!! I'm on and aisle seat wearing my flowery dress I wore with the cowwboy boots. It's awesome!
The MTC is great I love it here. It's like being fed the spirit with a golden spoon. It's also very difficult and frustrating. As my Branch Pres would say "It's the most wonderful, awful experience of your life." Pretty much sums that up! We've had some great devotionals. Elder Scott D. Whiting of the Seventy spoke about how the MTC is like an incubator "controlled environment with desirable conditions to encourage growth and development. I agree! He also talked about how we had certain comforts like family, friends, music, food, etc. and we were asked to leave all those behind in order to rely completely on the greatest Comforter provided, the Holy Ghost. The good times here outweigh the hard times. My teachers are amazing and whenever we get frustrated with the language or our testimonies they help us come up with a plan so that we can overcome our weaknesses. I'm doing much better with the language but I know I can do even better. I'm understanding a lot more and I can read and understand some scriptures. Btw, dad I looked at your first letter and could read the spanish scripture you sent and knew it was 1 Nephi 3:7 thank you!  :D Our lessons are doing a lot better. We taught Jose (our teacher) a few days ago and after he said it was the best lesson so far. I felt inadewuate in the language so I was frustrated and didn't feel like it was as good as he said. But the spirit was there and I bore my testimony in the language and THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS! And last night we taught Jose again, we taught the Restoration and I went in with a really good feeling about it. Our teacher said it was another best lesson so far. So things are getting better! I'm very happy, I still have hard days and struggle time to time but I know it is for my growth and I know it will help me in the field. No matter how hard this work is I know its where I need to be and I couldnt do anything more worthwhile in my life than this. I love the gospel and I love being a missionary nothing has ever brought me such pure joy than being a servant and representative of our Savior Jesus Christ! I love you all and love hearing from you.
Hasta Luego
Te amo

Hermana Gutknecht

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