Friday, March 29, 2013

btw: they get travel plans today!!

I cannot believe I've been out a month already! I'M NOT READYYYY! Hahahaha I'm excited to get out there though, just wish I could learn Spanish in 6 weeks ;)

So Hermana McBride finished the BOM in 20 days, her testimony has been strengthened so much it's been amazing to watch! I am in Moroni and I want to finish in the temple and put the promise to the test again. :) Her knee is fine! Thank you all for prayers in her behalf. We went to see a specialist and he took some xrays. She's had double knee surgery previously but her knee cap is too high and sitting for long periods of time is causing problems. He called it the "MTC knee" so he referred her to physical therapy. She's gone twice now and it seems to help. The doc puts cocoa butter on her knees and scraps them with this metal tool to break up the scar tissue. She said it's the most pain she's ever been in. :/ She had me hold her hand and I now understand the pain of new fathers whose hands are practically broken off when their wives are giving birth hahaha It was sad to see her in so much pain. Learned the true meaning of companionship though! ;) We had to take a shuttle to the doc and be out in the real world and I got a small taste of the realness of being a missionary. I've always admired missionaries and held them to a high standard in my mind. Whenever I see them in public I get excited. At the doc I overheard a lady say "Oh, theres sister missionaries" and I was like HEY THAT'S MEEEEEE!!!! hahahaha I don't know it makes me happy. It's still hard to believe I'm really a missionary!

One of the Elders in our district was diagnosed with MONO and STREP. So. It goes without saying, keep him in your prayers. And us that we don't all catch it. haha

My calling as Online Portal Trainer isn't that cool but it's special to even have a calling in the MTC, not everyone does. :) It was kind of cool because the 2nd counselor came in our district and asked who the most computer savvy person is and everyone pointed at Hermana McBride. Then after we got the calling Pres Bowen told us they had already picked us before they asked that. And by picked I mean inspired to extend the calling to us. haha anyway so we just get to train the new districts in our zone on how to use the online portal for missionary assessments, weekly letters to the branch pres, and TALL (Spanish Learning Program). It's fun I love helping the new districts because I remember vividly how I felt my first week. *shudders* And because the elders who WERE the Online Portal Trainers didn't train us when we were new. We had to figure it out on our own. See, if you want something done right you get the sisters to do it. ;)

We didn't see Music & Spoken word live /bummer/ but it's still so much better on the big screen in Utah! And I like to find Brother Richan in it :p

So fun fact: I love the Spanish language... Sometimes. When you're speaking to others you either use the Tu form which is for friends or the Usted form which is more formal. As missionaries we must always use the usted form to show respect and dignity. BUT my favorite part! Tu is used for friends and royalty, when we pray to God we use the Tu form because he is our King and our friend, and we want that close relationship with Him. Isn't that awesome? :D

We had a revelation in class that seems silly but I never even put together after all these years. So we have the Bible that contains the Old TESTAMENT the New TESTAMENT and then the BOM ANOTHER TESTAMENT of Jesucristo. Cool, huh?

Idk if I mentioned yet that I can recite the First Vision in Espanol now. And I helped a sister in our district learn it cuz she was having trouble memorizing it. I helped her learn it in English first so she could connect it with what she was saying in Spanish and gave her some fun ways to remember a couple lines that were hard for her. She thanked and praised me in class saying I was a great teacher and she couldn't have done it without me. I know she could have but it makes me happy to help... in SPANISH! ;) The choir sang Joseph Smiths First Prayer on Tuesday and I have never felt the spirit so strong before. It was incredible. The choir director said how many other times will you have to bear your testimony of Jose Smith with 700 other missionaries? Cool way to think of singing! And he said that someone prophesied that every nation would have Jose Smiths name for good and evil (or something like that I don't remember) but he had everyone stand up who is learning a new language. ALMOST EVERYONE. And he said we are literally fulfilling that prophecy by preaching in new tongues.

Brother Alexander, one of our teachers, said that something he loved about our teaching is our energy and smiles. He said he remembered when H McBride and I were both in bad moods but we came in all smiles and happy. I'm glad he saw that! Cuz I didn't feel it hahaha

We had a devotional the other day on the most important thing. Can you guess? The Atonement. Duh! Afterwards,Bro Doman (1st counselor in branch pres) asked why people were astonished by the Saviors teachings. Because of the great love He had for the people. People were astonished by His love. We still are! Sis Doman tied it into missionary work that we have to love people like we've never loved before. People wont CARE what we KNOW until they KNOW how much we CARE. I love that!!!!

3 Nephi 5:13 is about who I am now!

I was having a hard time the first couple weeks here because I felt like I wasn't progressing spiritually and I felt like I should feel the spirit more often here. Bro Alexander gave an object lesson about it yesterday that comforted me alot. He turned off the lights and turned on a flashlight and said this is the spirit. It can light up the room pretty well. Then he turned on the lights and said is the flashlight any less bright? No but it seems like it in comparison to the big light. He said that's what it's like here because we are constantly fed the spirit that we may not recognize it as much. :) LOVE IT! It's so true though.

Something tells me it snowed in Provo this week..

 Hermana Gutknecht ran into a Elder Matt Gainer from on home on Wednesday!

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