Friday, March 8, 2013

Being Humbled

The first couple days are made to be extremely difficult in order to make us remember that we cannot do this alone. We must be humbled in order to learn to rely on the spirit more than ourselves. And when you don't know the language, that's all we can really do. It was really rough but we all learned so much and I'm thankful for it. I am doing much better with the language as well as not crying out of frustration haha Thank you all for your DearElders, they made me so happy. My district said I have the best ward ever, I agree! It helped me a ton remembering how many people love me and support me. The language is coming more and more each day, it's a slow process but I keep trying. I know it's because of my prayers and fast along with the ones from home! Thank you for that. I was able to teach two lessons with my companion, building my confidence with the language. I can now bear my testimony and pray in Spanish. I couldn't do it without the help of the Lord. That's the miracle I was talking about, I needed that extra help from the Lord. The Holy Ghost guides my mouth as he is the perfect Spanish speaker. My companion is great, we've become great friends. She's not very strong in her testimony so I've been helping her with thast, teaching through the scriptures, and she is working on reading the BOM cover to cover. I know as she learns more of the doctrine for herself it will help her own conversion and make her a better teacher. My district is the ABSOLUTE best ever. It's crazy how we all become so close in such a short amount of time. We all miss our families and the district is the only family we've got so we all bonded quickly. It's so cool to be able to talk to them about the gospel and hear different ideas and strengthen each other's testimonies. I love them so much. We've been told it's going to be harder to say goodbye to our district than it was to our families because that instant bond and struggling together and everything. I/m the only one going to Carlsbad, two are going to Peru, four to Washington State, one Mississippi, and one Fresno Cali. 
We're always SO tired. Always on the go doing something on our rigorous schedule. But it's amazing to feel the spirit every single day. My teacher said think about how many times you pray, then multiply that by all the missionaries here. The MTC is a place where we constantly seek the Lord. 
All the hermanas in our district did choir. Unfortunately we don't get to perform at General Conference like the elders did before. BUT we will be here for Conference so someone from the First Presidency will probably come to speak! Choir was so great, better than expected. I never knew choir could be so much fun and so spiritual at the same time. We sang "Come, Follow Me" but our director said don't sing it like the boring congregation, sing it as if you're teaching it to an investigator. It was powerful. As missionaries we are representatives of Jesus Christ.
For Tuesday Night Devotional we got to sing Called to Serve! What a powerful song with so many missionaries in one room! We had a member of the Seventy come speak to us, Marcos A. Aidukaitis. I learned so much and my testimony has grown immensely. Open your mouth and do not close it until you have found every lost soul you possibly can. This made me think of Mama Waldo sharing the gospel in the nursing home. :) The most important thing I could ever do right now is be right here on the Lord's time. Serving Him in the best way I know possible. The PMG first presidency message has promises in it if we have faith and trust in the lord, we will receive those blessings. D&C 31 Lift up your voice for the time of your mission is come. I'm so thankful I'm finally on my mission, I feel guilty for taking that for granted when I got so frustrated but I know why I'm here. We were chosen at the time for a purpose, prepared by God because of exceeding faith to lay the foundation of the Latter-day work.
He spoke about the 3 degrees of glory in a way that made me realize how much our Heavenly Father really loves us no matter what. He made the point that to receive the Telestial Kingdom we literally have to do nothing. That kingdom is still so vast and amazing beyond description and He gives it to His children that do nothing to deserve it. He told us if we want that kingdom, we're doing WAY too much hahaha He said the greatest choice we will ever make is choosing our destination. Which Kingdom do you want and why. Then if you think about that always, every other little choice will be easier. "Will this help me get to my destination of the Celestial Kingdom?" We need to be valiant in the testimony of our Savior with unshakable conviction.
People call me Hermana Goot, Hermana G, or try to pronounce it so hard but fail haha my favorite was this girl was like " Are you foreign?" I was like yeah I guess I am from Florida haha
Love you all forever.

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