Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Times flying!

Well I'm almost not a Greenie anymore! Time issssss FLYING! 
We are finally done with all the exchanges this transfer. SEVEN. Sheesh. I'm worn out! But we had companionship inventory this week and Hna Schwegler told me that she knows God put me with her because He knew she needed someone who knew how to do missionary work and wouldn't break under pressure and she's thankful for me and how much I've helped her this transfer. She said she's learned a lot from me and my diligence as a missionary and that I've changed and grown so much she can already see. She said I'm going to do great things in this mission if I keep working as hard as I do. :) d'awwww 
We had a huge Spanish conference the other week and went on a mission wide exchange, just the Spanish missionaries. I went with Hna Lithgoe who used to be comps with my trainer. She said she learned a lot from me about obeying promptings from the Holy Ghost. Because in a contact a guy seemed a bit iffy about us but he brought up family and I felt prompted to talk about FHE and then he said we could come back and teach him more about how he can have his family closer together. :) And We contacted these two Mexican men they were crazy haha but one was really sincere and when we were about to walk away I felt the prompting to give him a BOM so I went back and told him I wanted to give this to him and explained a little about it, told him it was free and testified that if he reads and prays about it he will feel Gods love and spirit stronger than ever. He asked me to write our number in it in case he has any questions, because he's always working and doesn't live in his area so we couldnt schedule and appointment to see him. I handed it to him and I will never forget the look on his face. It was as if I had given him the most precious gift in the world, and in reality I did. He was so thankful, it was a beautiful moment in my mission to see a change in someone within 5 mins of talking. Also on this exchange we got to help push a lady's car out of the road when it broke down because she recognized us and knew we would help. :) Pushing a car in a skirt with a BOM in one hand, what a sight!
R, the guy who chased us down for a BOM, has come to a baptism, all 3 hours of church, and the Fathers day activity! We haven't even taught him a whole lesson yet! haha The ward is doing so great welcoming him in. We have an apt with him tomorrow so we can finally teach him! 
C, the first person I comitted to be baptized came to a baptism WITH HER ENTIRE FAMILY! :D She got a new side job of tailoring clothes, not a lot but maybe it can help her be able to come to church so she can be baptized. Shes so ready! We had a lesson with her the other day and my Spanish was flowing really well. When I was teaching, her and Hna S just looked at eachother and smiled like proud parents hahahaha IM LEARNINGGGGG
We've picked up SEVEN new investigators this week! SEVEN!
I contacted a man named L on exchanges and he let us come in but there wasn't another woman so we couldn't. But 5 mins later his wife came so we were able to go in and teach him. He has let us come back 3 times, we taught him the Restoration and invited him to be baptized and he said he will when he knows it's true but wants us to talk to his wife first who is super Catholic. Theyre a sweet family! In one of our lessons his 5 year old son was eating watermelon and lost his first tooth, in the watermelon! ....Right between prophets and Jesus Christ, hahahahahha!
We got two solid referrals from the English elders, C and C, theyve already been to the English ward a few times and the first lesson we hadn't even started with a prayer yet when they said they want to be baptized HA! YUS! 
We got another SWEET referral a mother of 3 little girls 7,6, and 2. She's been to church a lot, been to General COnference, knows everything about the church, has been taught everything like 5 times, so we comitted her to pray about baptism to be that example for her daughters.
We've had a few interesting contacts lately....
Us: "Hi we're missionaries, we help people come closer to Christ"
Teens: "We help people come closer to bud"
Us: -_________-
We contacted some drunk men in their garage who offered us beer and asked us if we were cross dressing Mormons because we're girls and apparently only Elders are missionaries. Then they told us we're brave for talking to them... I agree lol
And the best, my most favorite: Apparently we worship a god of death named Mormo which is the root word of Mormon and thats why we're called Mormons! Did anyone else know that? haha This guy was NUTS! He was like "yeah I googled it and looked on wikipedia.. but then I looked on your website and it didn't say anything about it, and I asked you two and some other missionaries and none of you have heard of it... maybe you should google it..." and again the face -____-
It's been a fun week needless to say hahaha
Love and miss you all!

Crystal Gutknecht
to RichardGutknecht,me
1 day ago
 forgot, we were driving and saw people walking their sheep.... SHEEP! 3 of them!
Download entire message

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