Monday, March 18, 2013

Starting week three...

So Utah is weird. They mix ketchup and mayo and call it fry sauce lol it's actually pretty good! The hardest thing besides the language here is not saying the word "guys" apparently it's disrespectful. You never know how much you say a word until you can't say it anymore! The MTC is full of ups and downs, pride and humility. I've been sick for a week with a sinus infection and the doctor here is dumb. But I/m finally getting better. My companion tookgood care of me. I see why RM/s have such a hard time adjusting when they get home. I was only in bed for a day and a half and felt worthless and missing out oneverything lol
We had a lesson the other day that I felt went bad because I was disappointed in my language performancxe. The next day our teacher who is our investigator made an example out of our lesson. He said he could feel how much we cared for him and that we had something he needed and it increased his faith. made us feel s good that even though our Spanish wasn't great our spirits shined through and made up the difference.
We did TRC (Training Resource Center) which is kinda like visit teaching members. We only had a couple minutes to prepare but we had to use as much Spanish as possible. The first guy was like a grandpa warm and welcoming the second guy was young and didnt seem interested. The first guy said his faith was strengthened by our spirit and humility and "Your Spanish is coming well but greater is your desire to help others which was even greater communicatred to me. You are great and California will be blessed." So awesome!
So yesterday we got a surprise! We weren't supposed to teach until Sat. but our elders got sick so our teacher was like well Hermana get ready you have 30 mins to prepare to teach. AHHHHHH!! I had so many feelings, anger, annoyed, panic, fear. We said a pray pleading for the spirit to help us. We found the less we focus on the language the better our lessons are, the more spiritual they are. We had already taught the atonement, repentance, and forgiveness. We asked him to pray and repent but when we followed up yesterday he said he hadnt I asked why and he said he didn't feel like he could. I told him God loves him and always wants to hear from him and he can always pray. We taught a brief lesson about the restoration and how the gospel blesses families. He said he loves his family but they dont have a good relationship because of mistakes he made. In my awful, broken spanish I shared with him how when my own family was goingthrough hard times the gospel helped us overcome trials and our knowledge gave us comfort and peace. My companion was shocked at how much I was speaking. The spirit guided me. It was probably our best lesson!
I've been learning so much. I love my district we're all so close. We share evrythiung together. One of the Elders, Elder Manwill, woke up in the middle of the night and had to say this:
Women carry the errand of angels. Ill never forget any of you for as long as i live. your willingness to do what God will for you baffles me. I see the faith that you have in our lord Jesus Christ and it just makes me strive with all f myheart to do better. I have never seen such amazing examples of women in all of my life. Sisters you ARE able to do more in the conversion of others than us elders could ever dream. I see the Lords love for you shine through every time Im blesed t interact with any of you. Your testimonies are just so pure. Youre chiuldren will be so blessed and strengthened by their mothers choice to serve a mission. God loves you, the district loves you."
I'm so blessed to be here! My testimony is growing and I love it. You all are in my prayers.
Te quiren
Hermana Gutknecht

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