Tuesday, November 19, 2013

So Hermana Bennett and I taught the Gospel Principles class in Spanish... that was an adventure haha 
We have the best investigator in the world! Her name is R and she's 19 years old. She's actually a referral from another investigator in the ward! She is amazing, so fun and we're already best friends! She's so so so SAD! She's struggling a lot and was just searching for happiness. I know I was sent here for this girl. She's amazing! We had set up an appointment with her but she wasn't home. So we tried to visit a couple other people over there in another town but I felt the Spirit tell me that we need to go back to R's at 4:00. We did and... there she was! We had a short lesson with her but it was powerful. We taught her that God is our loving Heavenly Father... the first point we teach to people, a line we say over and over and over that it seems to be robotic. Until R said "Wait.. He is my Father? I didn't know that.." I've been so accustomed to teaching this point that I feel like everyone knows. But for someone who doesn't realize their actual relationship with God, WOW! How powerful it is to know that He really is our Father. It touched her heart so much. She said it's great to know she has another Father figure looking over her because her dad and uncles protect and help her so much. We told her imagine how much you Father in heaven loves and cares for you? It was incredible. We taught her how to pray and she said "Thank you for sending these sisters to help me. I needed this because Ive been feeling really emotional lately.." She began crying and thanking God for all the trials she's had because she knows they are really blessings. I look at her and I see myself a few years ago. I'm going to help this girl find the peace and happiness I found through the gospel!  She came to a baptism on Saturday and the ward already loves her. The Bishop is her best friend now he's planning a Family Home Evening to do with her haha 
We had another lesson with her where we talked a lot about Christ and how we can receive answers through reading and praying. She cried again and told us some of her trials and how much she needs this right now. We decided we're going to spend our Pdays with her and we're gonna get Jamba Juice. When she prayed she talked about how excited she is for me to try Jamba Juice haha it was hilarious. But it's really beautiful because when she prays, she really is talking to Heavenly Father just like any father, or any friend. 
We are going to set a baptismal date with her tonight! Pray for her!!! :DD